Future Plans

Repeat Breaks

Manager should allow you to repeat breaks. As in the specifications in the developer's guide, the user should be able to repeat breaks on a monthly or weekly basis. This will involve adding repeat_weekly, repeat_montly_by_day_of_month, and repeat_montly_by_day_of_week tables to the database. Each of the tables will consist of a break, a day, and an until timestamp. Player will first check for breaks scheduled normally, then it will check these tables and merge the breaks together in the break queue.

Synchronization with RMI

Instead of having to click the Refresh button in Player after making a change in Manager, it would be best to link the two together with RMI. That way if Player is in another room, which it probably would be in a production environment, the change would be picked up without the user having to actually get up and do it.

Calendar View

Manager should use some type of calendar to show the breaks similar to Google Calendar. Not only would this make scheduling more intuitive, but it would also just give a better view of all the breaks.

Joystick Integration

Dalmatian should listen for a cue from the satellite through the joystick port. Joystick and JoystickListener classes have already been implemented and tested so this should be fairly straightforward. In fact, the original Dalmatian proof-of-concept used them instead of time. Basically this should just come down to subtracting a minute or two from the break's scheduled start time and waiting for that instead. Then when the main thread is notified by Clock it waits on the Joystick.